Weissman and Black became the champions of the Venetian DeepStack Showdown
From March 6 to April 2, the Venetian Casino, which is located in Las Vegas, hosted the DeepStack Showdown championship, which consisted of 42 events. The organizers guaranteed 3 million USD, but due to 4,989 entries (excluding satellites), they were able to collect and raffle 4,119,408 USD. However, in one of the events it was not possible to attract a sufficient number of participants and the overlay amounted to 53,550 USD.
The tournament with an overlay was Mystery Bounty with a buy-in of 1,600 USD and a guarantee of 1 million USD. 594 entries were registered in the event, and the best was Alex Foxen, who beat David Goodman in the heads-up. For the victory, the American received 109,010 USD. Foxen wasn’t the only famous player to win the series. Poker players such as Weissman and Black became the champions of the Venetian DeepStack Showdown and earned 180,774 USD and 41,340 USD, respectively.
Joey Weissman won back on March 9, becoming the champion of the 3rd event of the no-limit Hold’em series with a buy-in of 2,500 USD. Thanks to 441 entries, the prize pool was 996,660 USD. This money went to the 56 best poker players. Among those who got into the prizes, but did not reach the final, were Dylan Linde (10th place — 14,996 USD), Philip Shing (16th — 10,084 USD), Michael Wang (19th — 8,458 USD), Martins Adeniya (23rd — 8,458 USD) and World Series of Poker Main Event 2013 champion Ryan Riess (24th — 8,458 USD).
- Joey Weissman — 180,774 USD
- Bryan Piccioli — 129,848 USD
- Niko Koop — 94,502 USD
- Evgenii Fidchuk — 69,699 USD
- Thomas Boivin — 52,105 USD
- James Romero — 39,489 USD
- Cameron Drucker — 30,345 USD
- Dan Colpoys — 23,650 USD
- Andres Morales — 18,696 USD
Among the famous players who made it to the finals were three MSPT champions: Dan Colpoys (8th place — 23,650 USD), James Romero (6th — 39,489 USD) and Thomas Boivin (5th — 52,105 USD). In the heads-up, the owner of the bracelet Joey Weissman defeated two-time WSOP champion Bryan Piccioli. The winner took 180,774 USD, the runner-up got 129 848 USD.
800 USD NLH Ultimate Stack
On March 11, the 6th event of the series called 800 USD NLH Ultimate Stack took place. 301 players registered in the event, which is why there was 207,690 USD in the prize pool. This money was shared by the 39 best players. The prizes included Paul Gunness (10th place — 3,569 USD), George Heim (13th — 2,989 USD), Vladimir Grechnikov (22nd — 1,991 USD), Brandon Eisen (25th — 1,817 USD), Patrick Truong (36th — 1,695 USD) and Alexander Nachtwey (39th — 1,695 USD).
- Taylor Black — 41,340 USD
- David Yokoyama — 29,210 USD
- Jacob Ferro — 20,974 USD
- Elvis Toomas — 15,545 USD
- Ivan Ruban — 11,664 USD
- Jean Ortega — 8,858 USD
- Gerald Morrell — 6,855 USD
- Austin Wilson — 5,407 USD
- Cheang Yoo — 4,349 USD
In the heads-up, Taylor Black defeated David Yokoyama and earned 41,340 USD. The runner-up earned 29,210 USD. Taylor Black is known for his victory at the WPT Diamond 2021, for which he received 1,241,430 USD. He also has a victory at the partypoker Live Millions 2018, the reward for which was 1,092,000 USD.