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Romanian “ovidiu_maciu” won the Mystery Bounty at the 888poker

888poker hosted the XL Winter series of tournaments this weekend. In the first four events, a total of 254,350 USD was played. The biggest event was event number 2: Mystery Bounty for 109 USD. The tournament registered 1,174 entries, and the “mysterious rewards” ranged from 77 to 12,000 USD. Romanian “ovidiu_maciu” won the Mystery Bounty at the 888poker and earned 12,758 USD.

Romanian "ovidiu_maciu" won the Mystery Bounty at the 888poker 1

Bounties began to be played at the 18th level, and the participants who dropped out shortly before the final table received the largest awards. Richard “ChipsFool” Hoadley from the UK took 167th place, for which he received 120 USD. Before departure, the Briton managed to knock out three bounties, one of which was equal to 12,000 USD. Only the champion managed to earn more money than Hoadley.

Swede “Ydavidy77” and Brazilian “joaozinho9” could not reach the final table, but they knocked out a bounty of 3,600 USD. This is the second largest payout.

The first player left the final table less than 10 minutes after the start of the game. “Lowperformer” lost to the chip leader “tehnats” and earned a total of 2,481 USD. “8Vincent8”, who had only 9 BB, could not deal with “Avskedad” and received 2,455 USD. 7th place was taken by “gipsyisland”, who lost to “tehnats” and received 1,587 USD.

In the three-way all-in, in which “Z1GGi”, “ovidiu_maciu” and “Avskedad” participated, the latter suffered the most. Taking the 6th place, the Swedish player earned 4,461 USD. “Japa_Bill” went all-in with pocket fives but lost to “ovidiu_maciu” and earned 3,023 USD. “Z1GGi” was never able to recover after the three-way all-in mentioned above and settled on the fifth line with 4,531 USD in his pocket.

Four events took place in the series

The heads-up started after “ehbarone68” with Q-J lost to “tehnats”, who had A-7. In the one-on-one game, “ovidiu_maciu” and “tehnats” remained. The future champion had 49.9 BB at his disposal, “tehnats” had 75.9 BB. The advantage changed hands several times. In the final hand, “ovidiu_maciu” with a full house defeated the opponent’s K-K and became the champion.

  1. “ovidiu_maciu” — 12,758 USD
  2. “tehnats” — 7,100 USD
  3. “Ehbarone68” — 6,302 USD
  4. “Z1GGi” — 4,531 USD
  5. “Japa_Bill” — 3,023 USD
  6. “Avskedad” — 4,461 USD
  7. “gipsyisland” — 1,587 USD
  8. “8vincent8” — 2,455 USD
  9. “Lowperformer” — 2481 USD

As mentioned above, a total of four events took place in the series. The Mystery Bounty Mini Opening tournament opened the series with a guarantee of 50,000 USD and a buy-in of 55 USD. The Lithuanian “VERYPOTATO” became the best here, earning 5,337 USD.

The second in the schedule was Mystery Bonty, which was mentioned above, and the third was the 50,000 USD Mystery Bounty HR Opener event. The champion of the third event was another Lithuanian, “Raise1In” (18,875 USD). The latest to date was the PLO event with a guarantee of 20,000 USD, in which the Romanian “CoCoMic” (4,347 USD) won.

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